Rates are subject to change, but it may take you from 3.1% to 2.7%. Lower your PayPal rate If you receive more than $3,000 per month in PayPal funds you can qualify for a lower merchant % rate. You want to use this strategy when selling to your customers, but not when buying listings from Ebay. Remember that the 'add ons' are where most companies make their profit. Embellishments generally do not seem to increase traffic. Most people find your listings by keyword searches. Gallery is the only option that may be useful in some cases, depending on what items you sell.

Don't waste money on ad embellishments Don't pay extra for featured, bold, or any other flair. If all your Ebay listings have this basic shipping & handling disclaimer, then you should never get a complaint. The handling includes the cost of packaging materials and time. If a customer ever complains about your profits from shipping, simply respond and explain your S&H fee includes both shipping AND handling. Labels printed from PayPal and other services will do this for you.

Use stealth postage Print your shipping labels without showing any shipping costs. Make sure your minimum shipping & handling is $1 beyond your actual shipping, and hopefully a few bucks more than that. This may include packaging materials such as labels, envelopes, and bubble wrap, as well as your time to prepare and drop the package off at the post office. Raise your shipping fee Make sure you don't just charge for the shipping postage, but for your 'handling' fees as well.